2020 has been a testing year for all of us. It has changed our lives drastically. Going outside your home now means securing your mask, frequently reminding yourself of the term “social distancing” and getting your temperature checked as soon as you enter any public premise.
Mitali Tayal, Pranjal Singh, Arnav Sharma and I have devised a solution for all industries and crowded areas where security and safety issues are a concern. By developing an economical and automatic system that is capable of measuring the body temperature of a person combined with Face-Mask Detection and Facial Recognition, a company will be efficient in carrying out an additional screening before the employee with initial/potential symptoms could enter the location. M-GAP (Maintain Gap) is primarily a web application designed as part of our ongoing Design Thinking and Innovation course. The prospective target for our project will be covering all the public premises including schools, colleges, universities, restaurants, showrooms, shopping malls, corporate offices, factories, industries, and all sorts of broad-range businesses.
When the user visits our website m-gap, the user needs to make sure if he/she is registered with our web application or not. If yes, then the user needs to select the verify option from the main menu to verify himself. For verification, the user is required to enter his/her temperature in Fahrenheit along with a snapshot of his/her face. If not registered then he would need to register his details including name, age, gender, phone no. And e-mail. If the user satisfies the required conditions, then he/she is clear to enter otherwise an alert will be generated.
Innovation and Significance of M-Gap
The innovation that our project proposes is not its technology or framework in spite it is the solution provided to an existing problem that is worth solving. As we haven’t come across any device or system which prioritizes the security of individuals in this delicate time of the pandemic, this project will surely be an innovation in the following ways-
1) Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network and Machine Learning Algorithms for Facial Recognition and Face-Mask Detection.
2) Immediate generation of alert after the process of verification to allow the authorities of the premises to take the necessary action in the same second.
3) Implementing our web application into a fully non-contact hardware device would be our upcoming goal.
These inventive measures make our project a real-time problem solver for our target audience.
The project is different from similar existing solutions available in the market as it is contact-free and can be conveniently positioned at the entrance. This system does not align with any other temperature measuring devices as they are being held by one of the staff member, who is eventually coming in contact with each individual directly or indirectly which is highly unsafe. Furthermore, we are desperately in need of a solution which can automatically —
i) measure body temperature (initial COVID symptom)
ii) detect mask equipment
iii) perform facial recognition
iv) generate an alert according to the favorability of the outcome
v) monitors and records each detail about an individual for future use minimizing manual work
We have devices available that can either measure body temperature or do face mask detection or do facial recognition. But this system is an ALL IN ONE SOLUTION, which is also economically beneficial.
The project utilizes OpenCV and Tensor Flow open source libraries to perform Facial Recognition and Face-Mask Detection. Using Flask, a web framework built atop Python and WSGI, we have built our back end. Python is the primary high-level programming language used in our project. The whole solution is deployed on Heroku and PostgreSQL database is used for rapid development.
M-GAP is a complex ecosystem which can be efficiently connected across multiple stores and showrooms to make your journey hassle-free. Overall, the product is built atop user-friendly technology making it economically beneficial.